Logotip de Nautivela de color blanc


The best brands, with the most reputation. Official distributors.

Nautivela logotip de Lasai
Sail calmly. There is another way to sail. Without noise, or emissions. With LASAl. Because solar and electric technology make our boats a sustainable and respectful option for the sea. Sail calmly, to go further than anyone else. Our planet needs us to slow down a bit. That’s why we make electric sailing boats that respect our environment. Being sustainable puts us at the forefront. As well as the design of our boats, taken care of down to the smallest detail.

Products Lasai

Lasai 20 CR

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Lasai 20 GL

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Lasai 20 TR

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Lasai 22 GL

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Motor boats
Sailing boats
Pneumatic and semi-rigid
Trailers Engines Spare parts and accessories